Monday, June 16, 2008

Technological Glitches

Well,I guess with a gorgeous view of Blacksod Bay and cows in the fields around us I shouldn't be surprised that technology would completely fail me on this trip. The wireless access wasn't working and then my computer crashed-- majorly bit the dust. Alas. Because we have some great pictures and interesting adventures. We are now known on the Mullet as "the girls"-- at least at Cormack's pub in Drum where we had an enjoyable evening last night and made some lovely new friends.

We've been doing a ton of walking on the beach which involves climbing over rocks, wading in tidal pools in our wellies and popping the seaweed which is like walking on bubble paper-- quite fun! Heidi's been drawing the wild iris and now has moved onto shells. I, for some strange reason, have been writing haiku in addition to an essay each morning. Productive time-- it must be all the tea we've been drinking!

If my computer gets fixed and if we can then get the wireless up and working I'll post more later in the week.

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